Reflection on Self-AppreciationšŸŒ»

Bloom alonešŸŒ»
2 min readNov 21, 2023


In the vast space of the universe, the moon quietly watches the celestial dance. It faces thousands of asteroid hits daily, each leaving a mark. Yet, despite these scars, the moon stays captivatingā€”a reminder that beauty comes from being strong and accepting.

Imagine using a big machine to fill the moon's craters, thinking it's fixing them. But in doing so, we might take away what makes the moon special. Similarly, billion-dollar beauty industries want everyone to look the same, erasing what makes each person unique.

Now, think about you in your natural form. You're like a work of art. But these big beauty industries push ideas that erase our differences for their profit. This makes everyone look alike, as if following a rule. It's like trying to 'fix' the moon but losing what makes it beautiful.

Let's look at your bodyā€”the amazing way you experience life. Your eyes let you enjoy sunsets, your ears bring your favorite songs to life, and your consciousness lets you feel love. These are the real treasures of life.

In a world full of pressure to be the same, it's important to celebrate what makes you, you. Share your story of discovering who you are. Instead of following others, let's appreciate our uniqueness. Your journey of self-love matters in a world that wants everyone to be the same.

So, remember: Love your body. Your scars, whether seen or felt, tell stories of strength and learning. By doing this, you help keep the real beauty that comes from being yourself, just like the moon shines brightest when it's left as it is. In a world that wants everyone to be alike, let your uniqueness guide your journey of self-love and acceptance.

